Investment Managers

Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy


Tankard Wealth’s Investment Strategy aims to give light on the recent developments in the markets, from stocks and shares, to fixed income, it is imperative that our clients have a comprehensive picture of the global economy and what the current market trends are in order to be assisted in making informed investment decisions.  The firm’s investment policy is headed by Managing Director Adam Tankard, who regularly produces videos and articles on a range of vital investment and industry issues, as well as frequently speaking to individuals and corporate clients at their offices.

Core strategies provide exposure to asset classes that are broadly representative of the market. Examples of core investments include US Large Cap stocks, US Small Cap stocks and US fixed income.

Satellite strategies have the potential to deliver higher returns derived from skilled active management. Examples include REITS, Commodities, High Yield Bonds and Emerging Markets.

The Core Satellite approach to Portfolio Management is a highly intuitive strategy whereby the majority of a portfolio, known as the Core, is invested in instruments that are correlated with the broad market. It is here that a passive strategy is adopted by your Investment Manager with typical allocations amongst the FTSE 100, other index trackers and multi-asset funds including shares and fixed income. Usually the Core is re-balanced when there is a shift in global market sentiment for underlying risk management across the portfolio or if a client’s circumstances and requirements have altered. The Satellite allocation forms a small part of the portfolio that is actively managed, and is typically invested in more bespoke and potentially high yielding assets classes such as Emerging Markets, Commodities, Property, Hedge Funds and High Growth companies. These are considered high risk asset classes that your Investment Manager uses to optimise and increase your returns over the market, whilst safeguarding the Core of your portfolio.